Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why is Truth Important?

In general, I feel that there are three important questions that everyone must answer. What is the truth? What is the meaning of life. What is the purpose of my life? In order to establish any idea of meaning, we must first know the truth. This is quite obvious if you think about it.

In a universe where Earth is at the very center, and all celestial objects revolve about it, we would consider the Earth and its inhabitants to be of central importance to the grand structure of things. However, the Earth is not even at the center of the solar system, which is itself not even close to the center of the galaxy, a galaxy that is extremely far from the center of the universe.

Other scientific knowledge about reality and about ourselves, such as how the universe came to be, how life came to be, how humanity came to be, and the science of psychology all have very profound implications for the philosophical establishment of the meaning of life.

It should also be obvious that in order to find the purpose of your life, it is necessary to first establish the overall meaning of life. How do I answer the question of meaning?

Well, based on my scientific knowledge about the Big Bang, galaxy, star, and planet formation, and evolutionary theory, it seems that the universe has no special "preference" for living material over non-living material. (preference is in quotes because the universe has no conscious desires) In fact, if anything, the "preference" of the universe seems to be in the opposite direction. Thus, I conclude that there is no objective meaning to life! But fret not, this is not as depressing as it seems.

Because there is no objective meaning, we are free to give meaning to life through our subjective lenses. We do this in many ways, through the laws of a society, through the culture of a society, through various subjective philosophical meanings ascribed to life, etc.

Based on this answer, I conclude that we are also free as individuals to decide the purpose in our own lives. It would be so much easier if we were simply given a purpose, but there's a certain beauty to the fact that we have such freedom. Life needs no objective, external meaning, it is beautiful and fulfilling enough to exist on its own.

I also made a YouTube video on this subject. Check it out here.

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